News from GO Airport Express

Business Travelers Dine Out, Take Tours

Going out for a nice meal tops the list of leisure activities people engage in while traveling for business, according to a survey conducted by GO Airport Express, a Chicago-based ground transportation provider. Twenty-seven percent of the almost 200 survey...

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Travel Frequency Should Increase in 2013

When asked about their travel plans for 2013, 23% of respondents stated they plan on traveling more frequently compared to 2012. The GO Group, LLC., which provides ground transportation at more than 50 airports, and GO Airport Express, which provides airport shuttles...

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Location and Price Matter Most

When it comes to leisure, travelers say location and price are the most important issues in selecting a hotel, according to a nationwide survey conducted by GO Airport Express, which provides airport shuttles to and from O’Hare International Airport and Midway...

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Tips for Saving on Air Travel

GO Airport Express, which provides airport shuttles to and from O’Hare International Airport and Midway Airport, polled its customers nationwide about how they save on air travel.  Booking in advance topped the list, with 82 percent of the 702 respondents checking...

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Travelers Willing to Pay More for Space, Peace and Quiet

With airlines continually seeking non-fare revenue sources, GO Airport Express asked its customers exactly what services or amenities they would be willing to pay for. At the top of the list was more leg room, at 48 percent, with WiFi coming in second, at 33 percent. ...

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Travelers Engage in Leisure Activities on Planes

Bosses take note that just 10 percent of travelers said they work while on the plane according to a survey conducted by GO Airport Express, a Chicago ground transportation provider.  Reading for fun tops the list of activities at 32 percent. The company, which...

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Travelers Prefer Dining at Airports Instead of on the Plane

While the airlines may not be making money on food service, airport restaurants are: According to a survey conducted by GO Airport Express, a Chicago-based ground transportation provider, just 2% of travelers say they purchase food on the plane. The company, which...

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Travelers Prefer Itemized Fees

How do travelers feel about extra fees for checked bags and snacks?  According to a survey conducted by GO Airport Express, a Chicago-based ground transportation provider, a small majority (54%) prefer itemized fees, while 46% prefer all services to be included in the...

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Five Tips for Easier Travel this Holiday Season

With predictions of fewer travelers this holiday season, airlines are compensating by increasing fares and fees and cutting the number of flights offered.  This adds up to long lines, crowded airplanes, more delays and heavier road traffic due to an increase in people...

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Free WiFi at Airports Tops Lists of Travelers’ Wishes

Travelers, who are spending increasingly longer wait times at the airport, would most appreciate the opportunity to check their e-mails, search the web and catch up with their social networking sites, according to a recent survey by GO Airport Express, a Chicago-based...

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